
Apa Itu Geopolitik
apa itu geopolitik

Negara identik dengan ruangan yang ditempati oleh sekelompok masyarakat (bangsa). Frederich Ratzel (18441904) berpendapat bahwa negara itu seperti organisme yang hidup. Teori Geopolitik Frederich Ratzel.

Untuk itu, dalam semangat mengubah krisis ini menjadi sebuah peluang, kami akan mentransformasikan CIFP 2020 menjadi "Global Town Hall: around the world, around the clock".GEOPOLITIK ISLAM KAMPUS: UI: Indonesia, Islam, dan Ikhwah (n) - Ebook written by Ibnu Budiman. Sayangnya, tahun ini, FPCI secara fisik tidak dapat menyelenggarakan CIFP 2020 karena situasi COVID-19 masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang serius. Acara ini merupakan konferensi luar negeri terbesar di dunia - tahun lalu, sekitar 11.000 orang terdaftar untuk konferensi tersebut.

Wawasan Nusantara Sebagai Geopolitik.Geopolitik. Pengertian Geopolitik - Sejarah, Fungsi, Peranan, serta. Tujuan dari diselenggarakannya Global Town Hall 2020 adalah untuk membahas keadaan dunia yang dilanda krisis COVID-19, mengevaluasinya, membicarakan tantangan kebijakan dan pelajaran apa saja yang didapat, serta mengumpulkan ide-ide untuk masa yang akan datang, terutama dalam hal bagaimana membangun kembali dunia dalam aspek ekonomi, sosial, lingkungan, diplomatik dan bahkan geopolitik.Tujuan Wawasan Nusantara Sebagai Geopolitik Indonesia. Kalau kata Colin Gray geopolitik mempengaruhi semua perilaku strategis.Global Town Hall 2020 ini akan mengangkat tema besar "Rebuilding from the Covid-19 World". Geopolitik secara tradisional didefinisikan sebagai 'pengaruh faktor geografis pada tindakan politik,' atau sebagai hubungan antara kekuatan politik dan ruang geografis.

Geopolitik mencakup praktik analisis, prasyarat, perkiraan, dan. Geopolitik, dari bahasa Yunani (bumi) dan (politik), secara luas merujuk pada hubungan antara politik dan teritori dalam skala lokal atau internasional. Loncat ke navigasi Loncat ke pencarian.

apa itu geopolitik

Philippine Institute for Peace, Violence and Terrorism Research Observer Research Foundation - ORF (India) ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute (Singapore) International Republican Institute - IRI (United States) FPCI – Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (Indonesia)

Dino Patti Djalal, Founder and Chairman of Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia Wang Yi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China Joko WidodoSession 1: The State of the COVID-19 World in 2020Keynote speaker: H.E. Berikut adalah daftar sesi-sesi acara beserta list pembicaranya:Keynote Address by President of Indonesia H.E. World Resources Institute - WRI (United States)Sebagai informasi, sampai dengan hari ini, sudah lebih dari 7500 peserta yang mendaftar, yang terdiri dari 65 negara diseluruh dunia.

Marise Payne, Foreign Minister of Australia** Gordon Flake, CEO of Perth USAsia CentreSession 2: The Great Social Reset: Another Chance to Build a Just, Equitable, and Harmonious SocietyKeynote/Panelist: Hon. Wu Xinbo, Dean of Institute of International Studies, Fudan UniversityProf. Ichir? Fujisaki, President of Nakasone Peace Institute and Ambassador of Japan to the United States (2008-2012) Chan Heng Chee, Singaporean Ambassador-at-Large and Ambassador of Singapore to the United States (1996-2012)

Jeffrey Reeves, Vice-President of Research for the Asia Pacific Foundation of CanadaSession 3: Populism and Nationalism During the Time of COVID-19 David Capie, Director of Center for Strategic Studies, Victoria University of Wellington Kyoichi Sugino, Deputy Secretary-General of Religions for Peace Nurul Izzah Anwar, Malaysian Politician and Member of Parliament for Permatang Pauh

Banloi, Chairman and Executive Director of the Philippine Institute for Peace, Violence, and Terrorism ResearchSession 4: Geopolitical Reset: Is A World of More Cooperation, Less Rivalry Possible?Keynote : H.E. Dewi Fortuna Anwar, Co-Founder of Foreign Policy Community of IndonesiaDr. Ameshia Cross, Democratic Strategist and Political Commentator

Peter Jennings, Executive Director of Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) Bilahari Kausikan, Ambassador-at-Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Singapore Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs of India Kishore Mahbubani, Distinguished Fellow at Asia Research Institute (ARI), National University of Singapore- Sunjoy Joshi, Chairman of Observer Research Foundation (ORF)Session 5: The Indo-Pacific and the COVID-19 Crisis, What are the Next Steps?Keynote: H.E. Marty Natalegawa, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (2009-2014) Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister of Australia (2007-2010, 2013) and President of the Asia Policy Institute

Vladimir Primak, Director of Russian Direct Investment FundSession 7: Light at the End of the Tunnel: What Worries Me, What Gives Me Hope Elen Høeg, Senior Policy Manager, CEPI3. Weining Meng, Vice President of Sinovac HK and Sinovac International Regulatory Affairs Director2. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO1. Dewi Fortuna Anwar, Co-founder of FPCISession 6: Vaccine for All: Utopia or a Possibility?Keynote: Dr. Ruan Zongze, Executive Vice President of China Institute of International StudiesModerator: Prof.

Lavrov, Minsiter of Foreign Affairs of Russia Dino Patti Djalal, Founder and Chairman of Foreign Policy Community of IndonesiaSession 8: Rebuilding Better: Anticipating and Shaping the Post-COVID-19 World Order & DevelopmentKeynote: H.E. Heart Evangelista, Filipina Actress and EntrepreneurDr. Cinta Laura Kiehl, Indonesian Entertainer and Entrepreneur

Choi Shing Kwok, Director of ISEAS Yusof Ishak InstituteSession 9: At the Edge of A Cliff: How to Overcome the Worst Economic Recession of Our TimeKeynote: Mari Elka Pangestu, Managing Director of World Bank Parag Khanna, Founder and Managing Partner of FuturemapMr. Samir Saran, President of Observer Research Foundation? Pascal Lamy, President of Paris Peace Forum, Director-General of World Trade of Organization (2005-2013)

Nigel Topping, UK High Level Champion for Climate Action COP26 Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Richard Samans, Director of Research ILO and Managing Director of World Economic Forum.Moderator: Laura Deal Lacey, Executive Director Milken Institute Asia CenterSession 10: Emerging Leaders Dialogue: A Discussion on the Future of Democracy, Reforms and Globalization after COVID-19Session 11: Catching Up With Climate Agenda: Small Window, Big ChallengesKeynote: H.E.

Daniel Twining, President of International Republican Institute (IRI) Campbell, Chairman of The Asia Group and Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs (2009-2013) John J Hamre, President, CEO, and Langone Chair in American Leadership at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Nye Jr, University Distinguished Service Professor, Emeritus, and Former Dean of the Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government Andrew Steer, President and CEO of World Resources Institute (WRI) Esther An, Chief Sustainability Officer with the City Developments Limited (CDL), SingaporeModerator: Dr.

apa itu geopolitik